➡ Define a communication and outreach plan (Science Communication Plan) that will govern dissemination activities throughout the lifetime of NERO
➡ Produce communication and outreach material with particular emphasis on raising public and operatives’ awareness of extreme fire behaviour
➡ Create and support a fire science communication team in charge of producing freely available fire briefs on active wildfires exhibiting extreme fire behaviour across Europe
➡ Expand the network to and engage with other relevant initiatives or projects at the European level and internationally
✔️ Compile NERO’s Science Communication Plan
WG4 works to compile and implement the Science Communication Plan of NERO. The latter shall explicitly define the strategy on communicating and disseminating Action outcomes, a plan on the valorisation of Action results, and a tentative timeline for the implementation of the entire communication and outreach strategy. The Science Communication Plan shall also include details on the creation and operation of the NERO Fire Science Communication Team.
✔️ Establish Fire Science Communication Team, including the production of a fire brief template
Participants of WG4 focus on the creation of a Fire Science Communication Team, devoted to communicating fire science to the media and the public. The Fire Science Communication Team shall comprise 1 Coordinator, and several Contributors and Communicators. Communicators will be responsible for preparing a Fire Brief template, containing standard questions that need to be filled in by Contributors every time an extreme wildfire is active across the participating European countries. Contact information of Communicators and the completed Fire Briefs shall be clearly visible on the Action website, providing the media with diverse options to involve in interviews for newspapers, radio, television, and other public media.
✔️ Connect NERO with other relevant projects or initiatives
WG4 works toward establishing meaningful connections with existing European or international projects/initiatives that are relevant to the objectives of NERO. This activity shall include the initial mapping of NERO participants that are already members in other projects/initiatives and their appointment as ambassadors to invite peers to the network of NERO. Emphasis shall be given to establishing collaborations (e.g., intra-project joint initiatives) that are mutually beneficial, as well as to the two-way exploitation of existing knowledge, tools/models, experience, and expertise.
Stay Tuned: Working Group Activities Unveiling Soon!
Join if interested!
D4.1: NERO dissemination and communication plan (April 2024)
D4.2: List of NERO-supported publications in international peer-reviewed scientific journals and international or/and national conferences (October 2027)
D4.3: NERO white paper (October 2027)
D4.4: NERO fire brief template (July 2024)