
Fuelling Collaboration to Ignite Excellence

Learn what NERO Can Fund

As a COST Action, NERO is committed to supporting vibrant networking and fostering collaborative environments where ideas and individuals can flourish without boundaries. All grants shall serve the achievement of NERO’s research coordination and capacity-building objectives, fitting within the scope of the work planned in each Working Group. Before applying, candidate grantees shall carefully read the Grant Awarding System document that describes in detail all grant awarding procedures of NERO, as well as the COST Annotated Rules (in particular Art. 6.4 and Annex 2) that always take precedence over any other information.

Short-term Scientific Missions (STSM)

STSMs are exchange visits aimed to support the mobility of researchers and innovators, strengthen the Action network, and promote collaborations between Action participants.

Virtual Mobility (VM)

VMs are exchange visits implemented in a virtual environment aimed to strengthen the Action network and promote collaborations between Action participants.

ITC Conference

Grants aimed to support Young Researchers and Innovators (YRIs) affiliated with an entity in an Inclusiveness Target Country (ITC) or Near-Neighbour Country (NNC) to attend and present their work (oral or poster presentation) at a high-level international conference organised by a third party (i.e., not organised or co-organised by the Action).

Dissemination Conference

Grants aimed to support Action participants to attend and present (oral presentation) the work of the Action at a high-level international conference organised by a third party (i.e., not organised or co-organised by the Action).

SHORT-term scientific missions (stsm)
ITC Conference
dissemination Conference

COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) is a funding agency for research and innovation networks. Our Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and enable scientists to grow their ideas by sharing them with their peers. This boosts their research, career and innovation.

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Action Details

Action Chair: Dr. Theodore M. Giannaros
Action Vice Chair: Dr. Akli Benali
Start Date: 17 October 2023
End date: 16 October 2027
Download Action MoU